目前分類:台中豐原美食 (2)

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When it comes to Dongfeng Bikeway, there is a picturesque spot where you will highly admire. 

It is not a natural tourist attraction, but an attractive ice shop--200days with a white modern building.

If you ever ask me to pick a shop in the city that fits "love at first sight," then it has to be 200days without a doubt.


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聽說台中豐原美食很多, 光是叫小朋友肉包的就有四間, 但他們都是個別獨立的

這次J 主廚經朋友介紹特地品嘗了其中一家[卓]小朋友肉包, 果然台中豐原美食名不虛傳

[卓]小朋友肉包的包子皮Q肉餡飽滿多汁, 一顆這麼大顆的蛋黃鮮肉包竟只要25元,


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